Mother’s Day Crafts for Kids: Most Unique Mother Day Gift Idea (For Dad too)


By Suzanne Glover

Mother’s Day Crafts for Kids: Teach kids how to express love by having them do this simple and fun project, which also teaches them to focus on giving love and learning to meditate.

Unique Mother Day Gift Idea:

Here’s a great mother day craft idea: Have your child put all of their love into a nice gift box and wrap it up real pretty for mom. (Yes, there’s “nothing in it” except for the love that your child puts into it.)


Here’s the best sequence of things to do when making this great homemade Mother Day gift:


  1. Have your child sit quietly with eyes closed and “put love into the box.”
  2. Make a game out of closing up the box quickly so the love doesn’t “escape.”
  3. Get some beautiful “love wrapping paper” and wrap up the box that’s “filled with love” from your child.
  4. Be sure to make it pretty with all the red ribbon and bows you can find.

Great Mother Day Gift

gold-gift-red-heartsIt’s the best homemade Mother Day gift because the “love is homemade” and will keep giving year after year.

And mom’s half of this gift is to prominently display the gift UNOPENED (so the love doesn’t escape) as a reminder of the love of her child.

This idea came to me when my mother wrapped up a “gift of love” for me (yes, this is a great gift idea for anyone wanting to express their love.) I still have that gift and know that her love will be with me even when she’s gone (she’s 89 at the time of this writing.)

For a copy of the note my mother gave to me with the gift, see our article Poems for Mother’s Day:  Free Mother’s Day Ecards in this issue.

These types of mother’s day crafts for kids can impart a special bond that lasts long after Mother’s day is over.

Let’s look at the top love songs next (for Mother’s Day or any time of year…)

Top Love Songs Next…