True Love Quotes and Long Distance Love Quotes


More True Love Quotes

True love quotes also serve as affirmations because every time you look at one that projects love in your future relationship together, you are “affirming” to your mind that your relationship will last for many years to come. That’s why I especially like this next one…

I Love You Quotes

There’s a funny thing about love and that is that when you express it in an outward fashion, you’re also feeling love and many times that has a “side effect” of loving yourself in a greater capacity. The secret is to tap into a true and deep love for another person, and, bingo, you’re going to find that you also have the capacity to love yourself too.

Long Distance Love Quotes

When I was looking at all the love quotes and designing the graphics to go with them for this article, I came across one that melted my heart even though I have never experienced having a husband in the military.

I felt the essence of this next quote was pure love that endures past many difficulties and made me realize that many of the difficulties of our own relationships are created in our minds when compared to the pain of truly missing someone and waiting for their return.

To avoid falling out of love, use true love quotes or love letters to continually express your love and compassion for the other person in your life.

Let’s take a look now at how to express some love for Mom…

Showing Love for Mom with Poetry…