More Mother’s Day Ideas


Mother’s Day ideas for fun and entertainment.

Here are more Mother’s Day ideas to make your Mother’s Day Lunch stand out as memorable. [Click here for the first part of this article if you’ve just joined us.]

tomato-soupNow’s when the fun and music come into play. Turn your Mother’s Day lunch into a 3-course meal by adding an appetizer before (tomato soup is a good choice) and an elegant dessert after the fritatta. Then, in between courses, do one of these activities:

Mother’s Day Coloring Pages

If you have small children, why not have mom join in on coloring mother’s day coloring pages? Sounds strange? When was the last time you were in a restaurant where they had coloring pages for children and YOU wanted to grab the crayons and go for it but stopped yourself because it wasn’t socially acceptable?

I always grab the crayons and have a great time letting my inner child play. Encourage mom to feel like a kid again because remember, with each Mother’s Day, she’s getting older too.

Here’s a link to some fun coloring pages that you can print out and color.

Mother’s Day Songs

Here’s a Mother’s Day song that I thought was pretty cute.  Play it for her and sing along.  (Yes, it’s fast, but it’ll help improve pronunciation for speech overall.)

Mother’s Day Poetry

Telling Mom that she’s loved through a poem can bring out some nice feelings between Mom and the lunch attendees. Check out our article in this issue, Poems for Mother’s Day:  Free Mother’s Day Ecards that gives two nice poems for Mother’s Day.

Unique Mother Day Gift Idea

And we’ve got a great gift idea to make for Mother this holiday. It’s homemade and low cost. It’s described in our article, Mother’s Day Crafts for Kids:  Most Unique Mother Day Gift Idea (For Dad too).”

Use these Mother’s Day ideas to make your Mother’s Day stand out as one that she’ll remember for a long time.

Next, let’s look at how we can make Dad feel special for Father’s Day…

Remember Dad too…